Half-Day Meditation Retreat
21 Mar 2022
Number of viewers 120 Category Activities
Half-day meditation
Half-day meditation training provides weekly on Monday. It starts from 13:30 pm to 17:00 pm at this location: Wat Suan Dok (Monk Chat Office) Suthep Road, Chiang Mai.This is the Time table of half-day meditation course:
13:30 pm – 14:15 pm —- the introduction of Buddhism and meditation.
14:15 pm – 16:00 pm —– meditation practice. (Sitting, walking, standing)
16:00 pm – 17:00 pm —- discussion/ Q &
A Preparation and requirement for the meditation retreat.
Cost: Donation is accepted
Making a reservation :• Walk in, telephone, E-mail (A reservation must be made in advance.)
Register Here http://www.monkchat.net/web2020/index.php?modules=register-half-day-course

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