#MeditationCenter #Sunset
3 Mar 2020
Number of viewers 7 Category Activities
#MeditationCenter #Sunset
There is much better in this world than you think.
Find a comfortable corner to take rest your body and mind and then you will find that "every second of the hour is happiness"
#MindfulnessTrainning #MentalCultivation

- 1-Day Meditation Course (223)
- Private Group 2-day meditation retreat (126)
- Half-Day Meditation Retreat (123)
- 2-Day Meditation Course (103)
- 3 Day Meditation Course (72)
- SharingProject (18)
- 2-Day Vipassana Meditation Retreat **February 11th-12th 2020** (12)
- 2-Day Vipassana Meditation Retreat **January 21st-22nd 2020** (12)
- Monkchat Live on Facebook (12)
- 2-Day Vipassana Meditation Retreat **January 14th-15th 2020** (11)